Junortoun CFA and fire safety

Junortoun is capably served by the highly trained volunteer fire fighters of the Junortoun CFA. The Junortoun Fire Brigade has been established since 1943 and is part of the statewide CFA network.

You can learn more about the local CFA at their website: www.junortounfirebrigade.org.au

The Junortoun Fire Station is located on Popes Rd, Junortoun – see Map.

Junortoun has a Neighbourhood Safer Place at Lord’s Raceway, McIvor Highway, Junortoun.

Junortoun is situated in the Northern Country weather and fire district.

The CFA website has information about preparing a bushfire plan: www.cfa.vic.gov.au/plan-prepare/ and has issued an extensive 16 page booklet (PDF warning 2.4MB).