Manning Reserve sign refreshed

During December 2016 and January 2017 the Junortoun Community Action Group has performed some maintenance and painting on the historic sign which recognises the gift of Manning Reserve to the people of Junortoun.

Manning Reserve sign January 2017

Manning Reserve sign January 2017


The sign is estimated to be over 30 years of age and the timber was only in fair condition.

It has been sanded back, cleaned, undercoated and painted with quality UV resistant paint. JCAG hopes that this will extend the life of the sign for several decades.

















Why is this important?

Manning Reserve is an important public reserve provided for the people of Junortoun. The Junortoun Community Action Group is keen to ensure it is retained as a public reserve and is seen as a valuable piece of public land for our community. We are fortunate that in recent years the City of Greater Bendigo has upgraded the fencing of the reserve and installed a modern corporate-style enamel sign. However the wooden sign is an important historic connection with the Manning family which JCAG wishes to retain. We wished to preserve the sign before it fell into further disrepair.

The sign also improves the visibility of the reserve for local residents and passing motorists. A fresh coat of paint will help to make Manning Reserve a more visible recreational destination.

The Junortoun Community Action Group has conducted Clean Up Australia Day activities at Manning Reserve over the past several years and in 2017 plans to target the weedy gazanias that are present at the reserve.

Do you know more about the history of Manning Reserve?

The Junortoun Community Action Group would like to know more about the donation of the land by the Manning family, including when the donation occurred and any covenants which have been placed on the land. If you have more information please email JCAG at: ]


