Tag: road safety

  • Forthcoming works at Pratts Park Road Junortoun

    Forthcoming works at Pratts Park Road Junortoun

    Several community members have asked about the upcoming works at Pratts Park Road and McIvor Highway in Junortoun. JCAG reached out to Regional Roads Victoria (RRV) and received the following response: “Hi JCAG, You’re absolutely right, we preparing for the intersection upgrade at Pratts Park Road/McIvor Highway. To make this intersection safer we’re: creating a…

  • McIvor Highway Development Project

    McIvor Highway Development Project

    Junortoun has received information from Regional Roads Victoria about its consultation plans for the McIvor Highway Development. Visit the RRV page here: https://regionalroads.vic.gov.au/…/mcivor-highway-developme… “RRV is investigating the section of the McIvor Highway from Reservoir Road, Strathdale to Longlea Lane, Junortoun to plan for future growth, ensuring that all road users experience a safe and efficient drive,…